Take action: submit a comment against the arch2 hydrogen hub

The Department of Energy is preparing an environmental impact statement to assess the potential impacts of continuing to fund the Appalachian hydrogen hub. This document is central to the project’s NEPA review, which will be conducted through May 2026.  Public comments are due by March 3rd, 2025. 

Unfortunately, this decision will only look at the hub as a general concept divorced from the site-specific impact of its various constituent projects. This review is also taking place at a time when the hub’s plans are far from settled, with the slate of projects including several vacancies, only a handful of confirmed projects, and very few details available.

Your engagement in this initial scoping period will help build the case against the continued funding for the hub and highlight the inadequacy of the review as it is currently planned.

DOE’s analysis in the EIS will focus on potentially significant, non-site-specific environmental impacts from construction and operation of the Appalachian Hydrogen Hub’s proposed types of hydrogen technologies and infrastructure, as well as the potential cumulative impacts resulting from reasonably foreseeable past, present, and future projects in the same region. 

The evaluation will include land use and infrastructure; atmospheric conditions and air quality; climate change and greenhouse gasses; hydrologic conditions and water quality; geology, seismicity and soils; socioeconomic conditions; environmental justice; energy resources; noise and vibration; transportation and accidents; intentional destructive acts, and human health and safety.

Many of the concerns raised by groups and residents across the region fall within these categories, including health and safety risks; impacts to land, air, water, and climate; and the anticipated financial burden to taxpayers and ratepayers associated with these projects.

Forceful comments speaking to these concerns, whether technical or personal, will help ensure that officials identify and consider the full set of issues associated with the hydrogen hub when making its decision regarding what action, if any, to take in furtherance of the hydrogen hub program.

Navigate to the ARCH2 EIS docket (Docket ID No. DOE-HQ-2024-0082) and either type out your comment or submit it as an attachment. Make sure to check the box to opt in to receive a notification that your comment was received. You should receive an email confirmation from ˛no-reply@regulations.gov shortly after submission.

If you need assistance with writing a comment or have any questions, please reach out to Bev Reed, the ARCH2 organizer at bev.reed@benohio.org.