Our People
Cheryl Johncox, Board Chairperson
Union County, OH
Cheryl has spent most of her life living in Ohio. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Natural Resources management and policy from The Ohio State University. She has spent more than 20 years working to protect Ohioans and our land, air, and water from polluters. In her current role as part of the Sierra Club’s National Beyond Dirty Fuels team, Cheryl works to move Ohio and Pennsylvania beyond fossil fuels. Originally from the Cuyahoga County area, Cheryl, and her family live in rural Union County. Cheryl was a candidate for Ohio’s 86th House District in 2012. In 2005 Cheryl was the recipient of the National Conservation Achievement Award, from the National Wildlife Federation for her work on International Sustainable Development.
Becca Pollard
Columbus, OH
Becca is an independent multimedia journalist/digital communications specialist. Other skills include outreach, recruiting, training and event planning and management. Becca is passionate about social justice issues, and community organizing has a life-long love of wildlife and outdoor recreation and cares deeply about conservation. She has worked with a variety of grassroots non-profit organizations and is a founding member of Keep Wayne Wild. She is also a member of Heartwood, Ohio Environmental Council, Sierra Club, and Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action. Becca is currently employed by the Sierra Club.
Chief Silverio Caggiano
Youngstown, OH
Chief Silverio Caggiano is a Former Battalion Fire Chief from the City of Youngstown, specialist in HAZMAT and Weapons of Mass Destruction. A former member of the Ohio Hazardous Materials / WMD Response Teams Technical Advisory Committee.