BEN is tackling pyrolysis in Ohio!
Plastic pyrolysis is a toxic, plastic burning technology being marketed by the plastics industry as “advanced recycling,” “chemical recycling,” “waste-to-fuel recycling,” “plastic-to-fuel recycling,” and many more names.
This technology is highly polluting, emitting known carcinogens into the air that many Ohioans breathe.
The main goal? To turn plastics into fuel by any means necessary. Contrary to what the industry may write, plastic burning is fake recycling and it is a scam.
The Environmental Protection Agency is failing to enforce Clean Air Act emissions regulations on plastic incinerators. We submitted a letter with over 25 organization sign-ons to the US EPA demanding these facilities be regulated!
See above for existing, proposed, and under construction pyrolysis facilities in the state.
Does your community live near one of these facilities? Take a look at our communities list for site-by-site information.
BEN’s Approach
BEN’s approach is firmly grounded in community-centered organizing. We prioritize providing technical and scientific expertise, logistical support, strategizing, organizing training, and educational opportunities for community members interested in taking action on this issue.

Communities Affected by Pyrolysis
Akron is home to Alterra Energy, the oldest pyrolysis facility in Ohio.
Dayton is the proposed site for a new agricultural pyrolysis facility owned by NextGeneration Fuel.
Hebron has a site under construction owned by Freepoint Eco-Systems, affecting Licking County.
Ironton hosts Ohio’s PureCycle Technologies facility, established in 2018 and still not in commercial production.
Jeffersonville is the proposed home for a PTTGCA pyrolysis facility.
Lowellville is the proposed future home for a SOBE Energy Solutions tire processing facility.
Youngstown is the proposed home for a tire pyrolysis facility owned by SOBE Energy Solutions.
BEN Resources
Guernsey County Commission votes to deny spreading of toxic oil and gas waste
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Petition to Revoke ODNR Authority Over Class II Injection Wells
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